Water Feature Burnout

Burnout sucks. Especially if you’re an overused, exhausted fountain bombarded by kitties all day. Good thing there’s a spreadsheet for that. Wait, what?? Find out the connection in today’s post, “Water Feature Burnout,” on MGSpear.com.

Cat Karma

Why should you let your animals win when you tease them with toys? Because karma is watching, and karma is an animal lover, which my husband found out the hard way. Check it out in today’s story, “Cat Karma,” on MGSpear.com.

Sticking with Goals: The Secret Weapon

Everyone sets their goals, but no one really talks about how to keep up with them. The momentum is there for the first week or so and then it’s like meh. So what should you do? Check out today’s article for some advice (and what my cat’s resolution is): “Sticking with Goals: The Secret Weapon,” on MGSpear.com.